Living Earth is a magical place located in the beautiful region of Poland Kaszuby, near a nice swimming lake called Morzycz. Far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, 14.5 hectares of land surrounded with our own trees, with more being planted every year, creating a special, natural enclave in which we promote healthy living, permaculture and organic farming. On this natural farm birds and other wild animals choose to live with more and more every year.

Lash and diverse plantlife, organic veggies and fruit trees, herbs, honey and the company of our friendly animals create perfect conditions for relaxing and maintaining direct connection to nature. Our guests will find peace, silence, community, and privacy here.






The history of this place that is now called Living Earth began in late 1999 with Kasia and her friend Janusz buying an old farm. There was a small, old dilapidated farm house and ruins of old barns, a handful of old trees and four swamps full of rubbish. The fields around it were bare and depleted, due to exposure to strong westerly winds. During the following three years, the rubbish was cleared, ponds were made and a deer-proof fence was built around the central area to protect all the trees that had been planted. The construction of the main house was finished in 2003 and, two years later, a farm building was constructed, but not finished. 

In 2012 we (Kasia and Karl) bought Janusz’s half of the property. We appreciate all of Janusz’s hard work with re-structuring the land, planting and caring for the trees and organizing the building work. 

In 2014, we moved onto the land after our seven-year adventure in Findhorn Community in Scotland. With the companionship of Caesar (the farm dog) and great help of our wonderful woofers, we continued to develop the land using permaculture ideas and solutions, e.g. planting more windbreaks and learning what works on this land. Soon, new inhabitants joined us: horses, pigs, chickens, ducks, two cats, two new dogs, gees and bees. For all our new residents we constructed new wooden stables, chicken mobile house, a winter shelter for poultry, a bee area with workshop and a apitherapy room, and a large vegetable garden to help feed us, our family and friends. 

The year 2019 was eventful for us at Living Earth. We transformed the farm building into a retreat centre and named it Bungalow. A beautiful large clay combustion stove with a goanna sculpture was created in the dining room, which became the Heart of Retreat space. Our first workshop in Bungalow was Yoga Closer to Nature, which took place in August 2019, thus starting a new chapter in the history of Living Earth.